Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hope this would bless you all. ^_^
As Christians we believe in love! Love for God and others, for "God is Love"! (1Jn.4:8) That's our religion--Love!
Love is everything, for without love there is nothing--No friends, no families, no fathers or mothers or children or health or happiness or God or Heaven--there could be none of these without Love! And none of these is possible without God, for He is Love!
For if we have real love, we can't face a needy situation without doing something about it. We can't just pass by the poor man on the road to Jericho! We must take action like the Samaritan did! (see Lk.10:25-37.) Many people today say, "Oh, I'm so sorry, how sad!" But compassion must be put into action! That's the difference between pity and compassion: Pity just feels sorry; compassion does something about it!
We must demonstrate our faith by our works, and love can seldom be proven without tangible manifestation in action. To say you love someone and yet not try to help them physically in whatever way they may need--food, clothing, shelter, and so on--this is not love! True, the need for real love is a spiritual need, but it must be manifested physically in works--"Faith which worketh by love"! (Gal.5:6)
For "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends!" (Jn.15:13) The sharing of ourselves, our love and our life with others, is the greatest of all sharing and our ultimate goal, as well as our present means to that end.
In fact, this is why God created man to begin with: to love--to love and enjoy Him forever and to try to help others to do the same! It was God who created love and gave man the need to love and be loved, and it is He alone who can satisfy the deepest yearning of every human soul for total love and complete understanding.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What is a Disciple? The English word "Disciple" comes from the word "discipline", So, if English was the original language one would expect a learner to be someone very disciplined in following the words of his/her Master. But the original language was not English, but Aramaic. And since Aramaic is a a very little used language we cannot be absolutely sure about the nuances of the word used by Jesus himself, and his – disciples. We are therefore referred to the oldest available texts, one translation-step away from the Aramaic – The antique Greek.
{math-ay-tes’} { maqhthv" }= a learner, pupil, disciple
The word math-ay-tes’ is derived from the word man-than’-o
How is it possible for one disciple to love all other disciples?
First it must start with – discipline. A disciple behave as if he love, and Jesus has taught us how. An important part of behaving lovingly is to serve our fellow man (and in particular the other disciples). As we strive and pray to love our brothers and sisters, we will be sad when we fail to give that love. As we repent of our shortcomings, we will become more aware of the redeeming love that the Master have for us..m
19 We love him, because he first loved us.
20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Love is Accepting.
Acceptance is labeling someone as "okay" and having no particular desire to change them. Who they are is perfectly fine with you. You pose no condition on whether you will love them or not. This is call unconditional love. When your love IS conditional, the moment they step outside your set of conditions, love evaporates.
Love is Appreciating.
Appreciation is one step beyond acceptance. Its when your focus is on what you like about another. We look at them and feel this sweeping appreciation for who they are, their joy, their insights, their humor, their companionship, etc. When someone says they are "in love" with another, they mean their appreciation is so enormous for this person that it consumes their every thought.
Love is Wanting Another to Feel Good.
We want those we love to be happy, safe, healthy, and fulfilled. We want them to feel good in all ways, physically, mentally and emotionally.
1. Love Is Patient - It learns to overlook, and bear with, some small areas of irritation. Remembering our own weaknesses will help us to understand our companions’ faults and shortcomings. We must be careful to watch the tone of our voices, our feelings, our reactions, and our tempers.
2. Love Is Kind - Develop the trait of doing little deeds of kindness and giving thought to how you might show your appreciation for your mate. Love involves concern and consideration for the other person's welfare. Love EXPRESSES.
3. Love Is Not Jealous - Love is unselfish, free from meanness, smallness, and pettiness. Love is big-hearted and caring; it results in the full giving of oneself to another.
4. Love Is Not Boastful - Humility stems from a heart full of love. Husbands and wives should not be competitors.
5. Love Is Not Arrogant - Arrogance and false pride are not characteristic of love. Love is not egotistical, conceited, or puffed up. Love is not inflated with self-importance. It is difficult to live with a proud and conceited person. He wants attention, but gives none. An overbearing, self-centered person can destroy love and respect.
6. Love Is Not Rude - Love has good manners. Courtesy and politeness are of great importance to the good health of any marriage. Husbands and wives should be considerate and sympathetic toward one another.
7. Love Does Not Insist on Having Its Own Way - The one who loves does not selfishly demand his own way all the time. Love gives. Love works for goals that are common and compromises in the areas where you differ. Marriage partners must practice the working art of "give and take." Learn to give a lot, and take a little - accept each other as you are.
8. Love Is Not Irritable (Easily Provoked) - Love is not short-tempered; it does not easily get its feelings hurt or ruffled. Marriage is the closest relationship in the world, and it is important that both parties work together to keep from aggravating each other. If you know of something you habitually do that irritates your mate, resolve to overcome that habit. If a marriage is to be happy, touchiness, sullenness, and anger cannot exist for very long. Learn to talk to your mate and discuss your problems; keep the communication lines open.
9. Love Is Not Resentful - It is not healthy for a person to carry around the hurts and the injuries that have occurred in the past; doing so breaks down the ability to love. Love does not keep score of wrongs. Forgiveness and love go hand and hand. Forgiveness is a loving act that has, as one of its basic ingredients, forgetfulness. Forgiveness means not bringing up the past.
10. Love Does Not Rejoice At Wrong, But Rejoices in What Is Right - Love always looks for what is right and good and makes a positive effort toward what is good. Love looks for the best in one’s mate.
11. Love Bears All Things - Lovers forbear one another.
12. Love Believes All Things - Love always believes the best until proven wrong.
13. Love Hopes All Things - Love always expects something good from the one who is loved.
14. Love Endures All Things - True love can outlast anything. There is no person, no situation, nothing that can get the best of true love between two people who have committed their hearts and lives to God and to each other.
Friday, August 8, 2008
are we suppose to greet the person, by greeting their names??? before we start mention anything???
Are we going to just say hello or hi and then immediately ask the person to do the stuff for his/her.
Just very curious what's the right way do to it for the youngster...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Learn a lot from it... During Service when Pastor is sharing the offering message,
I felt for knock in heart.
As my current work deal have closed but only end of month can receive money. A challenge for me, as I began to think it through with my own human understanding, very hesitate to give. Wanted to give an normal offering. Suddenly my mind came to me with a sentences that
" don't give a normal offering and expect God to move in a supernatural realm for me."
Knew this words, but it came onto me at that second and its kind of a big "Knock"on my head.
Ending I told myself that I don't believe that God's promises is fake. So ending, I gave an offering that pain in my heart. I wrote something in the offering envelop. Guess what did I write???
Many people may think the message will be, telling God that how it takes me to sacrifices, asking for more blessing these kind. What I wrote it's Just these,
Straight after the cg debrief, immediately I received a call. A client called me and at that night which is 4 hours later, I closed the deal with $600. Praise God for that!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Good people think and feel of other's heart and mind before they say anything.
Fools say the first thing they think of, which will be stupid. The crazy things is they fail to read the signal that everyone listening is turned off.. They just keep on talking without stopping.
Proverbs 16:23
"The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips."
We should speak at the pace of our heart, not the pace of our brain. The heart moves slowly but wisely. The brain moves quickly but not wisely. The brain has knowledge. The heart have wisdom.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My friend in school, asked me a Question that cause me to stone and stunned awhile.
I felt a lot at that moment when that question came to me.
"Jasper, what if one day you are given a choice or opportunity to become an angel of your own desire.
What kind of Angel, you desire to become as?"
I stood down there awhile for a moment and answered him that I want to become an Angel of Love. Someone that can be use by God, to be there to encourage, motivate the people, let them feel love when they finds no hope in themselves. To let them knows and feel God's love. I don't know about others but this is just me. ^_^
Today, if the same question came to you. What's your answer??? ^_^
Friday, March 28, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
targeting someone on how unhappy they are.
Well, so thats why I would like to put something here about Maturity.
As mature Christians, we will recognize our need for
Christ will bring us beyond our failures
so we can grow increasingly effective for our Lord and grow in sanctification.
We are focused on the goal of holiness to be the person God created.
He created us to be images of Himself, and as images,
we are to reflect His character that goes beyond ourselves to the purpose He has. I
t is not about our needs, but His need. It is not our purpose, but His purpose.
This is maturity!
There are too many Christians who flat out and
deliberately refuse to surrender themselves to the lordship of Christ.
Christianity is merely fire insurance from Hell,
some means of social influence or personal desires that
do not grow beyond the sinner’s prayer: such as the parable of the sower.
Our Christian growth in maturity is not self-realization,
but rather Christ realization. As we grow,
we become totally aware of one great fact: there is one God and we are not it.
Our confidence in who we are is because of the work Christ has done on our behalf.
As we grow, our utter dependence is upon our Lord and
our confidence is in Him and not ourselves. People will always disappoint us.
We will even disappoint ourselves. Christ, however,
will not disappoint us, but gives us the care, love,
and His grace that we do not deserve.
We in turn model to others who we think,
do not deserve it, this is our mandate and call.
Dr. Richard J. Krejcir says that
Hypocrisy and judgmental attitudes cause some of the biggest problems in the Church, and spill over to others outside her walls whose concept of a Church is what they observe. These attitudes also cause severe danger to the growth and comfort of the Church. Comfort is in a place to call home, to feel safe, and be willing to be taught and led, and to serve. This is one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, that keeps people away! Effective spiritual growth, maturity, and outreach cannot happen when the Church is pierced with bad attitudes, all stemming from a poor spiritual condition and the inability to build effective relationships.
If you are thinking, “Hey, I am safe so far. I do not judge. I am not a hypocrite.” But, what about what motivates you? God will not just judge our actions, but also our motivations! He knows the truth about each of us; there is nothing new to God. He alone has pure intentions, pure, uncorrupted love, mercy, and omniscience knowledge. He knows all things, and how everything and everyone is intertwined relationally in the past, present, and future. We have no such knowledge. We see a small piece of bark from a single tree, while He sees the entire forest. Thus, we cannot judge simply because of our blind imprudence.
Friday, March 21, 2008
" You cannot be a taker, if you do not know how to be a giver"
Many a times in life, we tend to complaint these and that.
Having a strong feeling of unsatisfied.
"Like why pp dun care on me, why this thing happen on me, why the rest, they can
have good friendship with one another,
why not found on me for this period."
"I keep praying to God for breakthrough but still never see anything.
Why others prayed and something happened but not me?
Where is God?"
Well.. We cannot be a taker, if we do not know how to give.
It's just like sowing and reaping.
Sometimes, I ask myself " Have I sow a seeds into this person's lives?"
If not then I wont complaint so much.
In my life, I experienced myself as a person who
did seldom complaint BUT complaint in the heart.
So, one of the things that we really need to learn is that even if we are facing troubles.
Take a step of faith, sowing a seed of faith.
Trusting God, He is faithful and we will reap what we sow in due seasons.
Taking a step of faith is hard for some people, we need to know
"Who we are in God's eyes".
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Ok... I cant type anymore further abt my first day of CNY experience...
Need to go pack my bag already for tml 8am Malaysia trip...
Will be back on sun evening. ^_^
I will again type my keyboard on sun night... ^_^
See ya my frens...!!!
Especially E307 Sisters... &_&
lol... Kit Lin will be helping me...
Thank God for a powerful sister, that I can go n
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
HA HA... a new year again... going Malaysia as usual but going on the second day.
But nv go for the past 2
Well... can enjoy a bit.
Also, from now onwards, I'm able to sleep more then any other nights.
If not, every times after my tuition or during my attachments, need to worry so much.
Now everything its done, I'll fight a gd fight n finish that part of my race. *doing what I can so*
No need to care so much things n stress up so much.
Able to concentrate on another's.
So relieve lol..
If not, I really feel that I'm a nanny. ha ha ha
What an awesome time that now I can have is to rest more then usual.
IF I able to just go spa alone, putting two lemon on my eyes..
(*is this how spa works???*)
Or so massaging spa.
Being working so hard for the past 3 to 4 months. Every night 4 hours of sleeping time
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Matthew 16
16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
21 From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.
22 Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen to You!”
23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
From the above verse, we get to know that Peter firstly was used to be called
Simon. The unstable rock.
Simon Peter the unstable rock.
Then again, Jesus called his Peter the solid rock.
Then again, Jesus called him Satan, its just a few verse down only.
What is the feeling that Peter had, when a moment Jesus called him the solid rock and after a few verse called him satan?
Peter got spiritually charge up and down...used to go up and then down, up again and then down. Especially at that night, he deny Jesus 3 times.
End up, he is the one once Jesus left, he preach the word. Yet Hundreds of people give their hearts to God.
Peter is someone who does not look at his past and live at his past. He will get back every time he was being knocked down.
Strength is the ability to bounce back when you are knocked down.
Just like Martin Luther King, that he have a dream, that the people will not judge by the colours of the skin. But by their hearts.
At that period of times, racist ism occurred out of hand. People being ill-treated and looked down.
Martin Luther King did not lose heart and believe one day it will happen.
Joshua1:6 "Be strong and of good courage..."
2Sam 10:12 " Let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God...."
1Cor 16:13 " Watch, stand fast in the faith , be brave, be strong."
Eph 6:10 " Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."
Monday, January 21, 2008
Its really a hard time... went thru all kinds of thing, showing all kind of attitude and play many tricks. But end of the day, I learn every single incidents and submit to God's authority. It's being really an exciting journey.
To be a CGL its always my vision and calling. Its hard to achieve that, why would I say that? Because, U have to go thru many molding in ur character and attitude, the truth things is that no body like to be correct, God is the reasons that we would want to be correct.
Being just a normal member in Cg, to a member that is helping in CG. Then back to a normal member to a member who is helping more than last time, then even more. From there back to normal member. Took 1 Year get back to as helper, within 3 weeks. then now in the midst of leadership class and Sunday was my first Zone meeting. There is many kinds of level as a normal members and many kinds of level as helper.
My first Zone meeting experience on Sunday was an AWESOME ONE!!! Its from 2pm, all the way to 9.20pm but of course half way, there is break-time. ^_^ At first, I was nervous, but all the leaders there were so friendly. lol..haha I still remember what James shared with me that his first zone meeting he though of blending himself on the wall, will be better, but the more he want to do that the more he attract more and more leaders to fellowship with him. lol.. very funny.. Then Jonathan(working at Skin with Ronald) said that then we must well walk around non-stop talking to own i felt so =.= lol... There was laying of hand in the meeting, Pst Zhuang is so awesome! hahaha...
After the meeting, we went to fellowship at bugis at one of the dessert Edwin keep telling all kind of jokes, can't take it. Cindy Peng, Terence,Sue sze, Bee leng, Sharon, Edwin, Kelvin Guo, Joyce, Rae, Lynn, Qiu Ping, Hui Mei, Jonathan, Shanen, Wendy, Yu Fen and me.. lol...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
I just wanna take this opportunity to specially thanks Kit meng for all his sacrifices that he had made for this cg... indeed without him. I really dun think that cg will have what we have now. Seeing him thru many things... number of things.. which i actually wanted to advise him to rest, take a break.. each time he just prove to me all things are possible thru Christ who strengthen us. HE have nv fail to show me God's strength and love of God.
I just extremely So PROUD of WAH JU..!!!!! these period is the time of seeing her so stretch out.. Seeing her breakthru its also one of my desire. I still remember that I gave her Salvation bible study.. lol... I just so admire of how preserve she is and keep pressing on... Which Inspire me so much... which is so remarkable. Seeing her stepping out so much nv before.. even thought she is so physically n mentally tired.. but regardless of wat.. She will always there in the cg, regardless of wat incident happened before.. stay till 3am with Clara... she will just go all the way for God without any complaints or bad comments. I got extremely encourage by her... She had nv fail to show me God's love pp around.
Of course lastly.. my dearest Love Clara... SEeing her thru these period of time its one of most long waiting desire vision ever... that She impacted so many youths, Life changing happening by wah ju and her. Even though she having attachment, giving tuition, earning income for own expenses. BUT she nv fail to rush down for members, usually rushing down to meet up is all between 8pm till 5am. Seeing her moving up another level which really motivate me that I should also move up, seeing all those souls on her hand be changed which really touches me.. She nv fail to show me that how God have sacrfices for HIS pp..
Saturday, January 5, 2008
For souls, for events, for outing, for camp...
I really wanna thanks Kit Meng, Kai Lin, Jia Xiang, John, Fiona.
Kit Meng has being always making things happen!!! He always will still till mid- night just to avail himself for serving. He always take extremely care on the friends that he brings even to the extreme of sending them back home one by one. Even though Sick, he will still turn up and always be a part of making things happen group. Most importantly, he is a humble man, so many things that he had sacrifices and doesn't mention at all.. Which I am so inspired by him. MAN OF GOD!
Kai Lin always have the positive attitude and work together as a team. Even though she have CCA all that, its so tiring but she still always run down immediately to catch up and take care of the new Friends. When She do things, She is so faithful on it. Make sure, it goes well and done it in a perfectly way, keeping the spirit of excellence.AWESOME!!!
Jia Xiang always so committed to the vision of revival and always find someone to pray over the night for cg for sgs harvest. He is young and abit small in size, BUT HE is BIG on the INSIDE. Most of the time he will pray for cg for sgs till mid-night 2am. calling n inviting his friends. Not only that, He is an influence of his friends in sch and CCA. Actually He is a person who is very servant-hood, HE is a person that do the talking but also do the walking .Everyone time, he will ask pp around that "i help u"... " hey, I get for u" this kind of things we may get use to it.. that we actually slip off our memories. But i manage to remember all. I'm so touch abt it. ^_^
John is a person who always will say "hm... ok.." knock his head " ok can!" HE may not do things without pp around realising but always behind doing things faithfully. When Asked him to do something... He will make sure that the things is "siew siew" done finish, and he always avail himself to max. Also always cheer up everyone, and having positive attitude. Sometimes when we face things that is quite hard to make it happen, HE will replied with Positive answer that inspired and change the atmosphere during the discussion.. hahaha full of FAith! A person of Great FAith!!
Fiona just join only not very long. somethings that I wanted to comment over here. Athough there is some of the things that she need to improve.. BUT she is someone WHO is SO obedience and teachable. On top of that... whatever she learn, she applied it. Coming to church for only 2months and so committed in bring souls in. Setting her own vision very serious, wanted to rise up to be CGL by sec4 n now she only sec1. She every times create the jokes n changes all of our moods to a happy mood. Most happiness things is that to see her Changes her life when coming to church. ^_^ SHe always buy gifts for pp. so proud to know her in this cg.