Friday, March 28, 2008

Learn something today.
In order to flow with someone, there must be or have a relationship.

Also, we cannot expect people around,
to always with flow with us.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Recently, Get to know that somepeople write bad comments on blog and
targeting someone on how unhappy they are.
Well, so thats why I would like to put something here about Maturity.

As mature Christians, we will recognize our need for
Christ will bring us beyond our failures
so we can grow increasingly effective for our Lord and grow in sanctification.
We are focused on the goal of holiness to be the person God created.
He created us to be images of Himself, and as images,
we are to reflect His character that goes beyond ourselves to the purpose He has. I
t is not about our needs, but His need. It is not our purpose, but His purpose.
This is maturity!

There are too many Christians who flat out and
deliberately refuse to surrender themselves to the lordship of Christ.
Christianity is merely fire insurance from Hell,
some means of social influence or personal desires that
do not grow beyond the sinner’s prayer: such as the parable of the sower.
Our Christian growth in maturity is not self-realization,
but rather Christ realization. As we grow,
we become totally aware of one great fact: there is one God and we are not it.
Our confidence in who we are is because of the work Christ has done on our behalf.
As we grow, our utter dependence is upon our Lord and
our confidence is in Him and not ourselves. People will always disappoint us.
We will even disappoint ourselves. Christ, however,
will not disappoint us, but gives us the care, love,
and His grace that we do not deserve.
We in turn model to others who we think,
do not deserve it, this is our mandate and call.

Dr. Richard J. Krejcir says that

Hypocrisy and judgmental attitudes cause some of the biggest problems in the Church, and spill over to others outside her walls whose concept of a Church is what they observe. These attitudes also cause severe danger to the growth and comfort of the Church. Comfort is in a place to call home, to feel safe, and be willing to be taught and led, and to serve. This is one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, that keeps people away! Effective spiritual growth, maturity, and outreach cannot happen when the Church is pierced with bad attitudes, all stemming from a poor spiritual condition and the inability to build effective relationships.

If you are thinking, “Hey, I am safe so far. I do not judge. I am not a hypocrite.” But, what about what motivates you? God will not just judge our actions, but also our motivations! He knows the truth about each of us; there is nothing new to God. He alone has pure intentions, pure, uncorrupted love, mercy, and omniscience knowledge. He knows all things, and how everything and everyone is intertwined relationally in the past, present, and future. We have no such knowledge. We see a small piece of bark from a single tree, while He sees the entire forest. Thus, we cannot judge simply because of our blind imprudence.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Knowing You, is a wonderful things,
but following You is the commitment and love that I have for You .. Lord.

Thanks for going to the cross for me.
Well.... Today fell that God just reminded me that ....

" You cannot be a taker, if you do not know how to be a giver"

Many a times in life, we tend to complaint these and that.
Having a strong feeling of unsatisfied.

"Like why pp dun care on me, why this thing happen on me, why the rest, they can
have good friendship with one another,
why not found on me for this period."

"I keep praying to God for breakthrough but still never see anything.
Why others prayed and something happened but not me?
Where is God?"

Well.. We cannot be a taker, if we do not know how to give.

It's just like sowing and reaping.
Sometimes, I ask myself " Have I sow a seeds into this person's lives?"
If not then I wont complaint so much.

In my life, I experienced myself as a person who
did seldom complaint BUT complaint in the heart.

So, one of the things that we really need to learn is that even if we are facing troubles.

Take a step of faith, sowing a seed of faith.
Trusting God, He is faithful and we will reap what we sow in due seasons.

Taking a step of faith is hard for some people, we need to know
"Who we are in God's eyes".

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Malaysia Trip