Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hope this would bless you all. ^_^
As Christians we believe in love! Love for God and others, for "God is Love"! (1Jn.4:8) That's our religion--Love!
Love is everything, for without love there is nothing--No friends, no families, no fathers or mothers or children or health or happiness or God or Heaven--there could be none of these without Love! And none of these is possible without God, for He is Love!
For if we have real love, we can't face a needy situation without doing something about it. We can't just pass by the poor man on the road to Jericho! We must take action like the Samaritan did! (see Lk.10:25-37.) Many people today say, "Oh, I'm so sorry, how sad!" But compassion must be put into action! That's the difference between pity and compassion: Pity just feels sorry; compassion does something about it!
We must demonstrate our faith by our works, and love can seldom be proven without tangible manifestation in action. To say you love someone and yet not try to help them physically in whatever way they may need--food, clothing, shelter, and so on--this is not love! True, the need for real love is a spiritual need, but it must be manifested physically in works--"Faith which worketh by love"! (Gal.5:6)
For "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends!" (Jn.15:13) The sharing of ourselves, our love and our life with others, is the greatest of all sharing and our ultimate goal, as well as our present means to that end.
In fact, this is why God created man to begin with: to love--to love and enjoy Him forever and to try to help others to do the same! It was God who created love and gave man the need to love and be loved, and it is He alone who can satisfy the deepest yearning of every human soul for total love and complete understanding.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What is a Disciple? The English word "Disciple" comes from the word "discipline", So, if English was the original language one would expect a learner to be someone very disciplined in following the words of his/her Master. But the original language was not English, but Aramaic. And since Aramaic is a a very little used language we cannot be absolutely sure about the nuances of the word used by Jesus himself, and his – disciples. We are therefore referred to the oldest available texts, one translation-step away from the Aramaic – The antique Greek.
{math-ay-tes’} { maqhthv" }= a learner, pupil, disciple
The word math-ay-tes’ is derived from the word man-than’-o
How is it possible for one disciple to love all other disciples?
First it must start with – discipline. A disciple behave as if he love, and Jesus has taught us how. An important part of behaving lovingly is to serve our fellow man (and in particular the other disciples). As we strive and pray to love our brothers and sisters, we will be sad when we fail to give that love. As we repent of our shortcomings, we will become more aware of the redeeming love that the Master have for us..m
19 We love him, because he first loved us.
20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Love is Accepting.
Acceptance is labeling someone as "okay" and having no particular desire to change them. Who they are is perfectly fine with you. You pose no condition on whether you will love them or not. This is call unconditional love. When your love IS conditional, the moment they step outside your set of conditions, love evaporates.
Love is Appreciating.
Appreciation is one step beyond acceptance. Its when your focus is on what you like about another. We look at them and feel this sweeping appreciation for who they are, their joy, their insights, their humor, their companionship, etc. When someone says they are "in love" with another, they mean their appreciation is so enormous for this person that it consumes their every thought.
Love is Wanting Another to Feel Good.
We want those we love to be happy, safe, healthy, and fulfilled. We want them to feel good in all ways, physically, mentally and emotionally.
1. Love Is Patient - It learns to overlook, and bear with, some small areas of irritation. Remembering our own weaknesses will help us to understand our companions’ faults and shortcomings. We must be careful to watch the tone of our voices, our feelings, our reactions, and our tempers.
2. Love Is Kind - Develop the trait of doing little deeds of kindness and giving thought to how you might show your appreciation for your mate. Love involves concern and consideration for the other person's welfare. Love EXPRESSES.
3. Love Is Not Jealous - Love is unselfish, free from meanness, smallness, and pettiness. Love is big-hearted and caring; it results in the full giving of oneself to another.
4. Love Is Not Boastful - Humility stems from a heart full of love. Husbands and wives should not be competitors.
5. Love Is Not Arrogant - Arrogance and false pride are not characteristic of love. Love is not egotistical, conceited, or puffed up. Love is not inflated with self-importance. It is difficult to live with a proud and conceited person. He wants attention, but gives none. An overbearing, self-centered person can destroy love and respect.
6. Love Is Not Rude - Love has good manners. Courtesy and politeness are of great importance to the good health of any marriage. Husbands and wives should be considerate and sympathetic toward one another.
7. Love Does Not Insist on Having Its Own Way - The one who loves does not selfishly demand his own way all the time. Love gives. Love works for goals that are common and compromises in the areas where you differ. Marriage partners must practice the working art of "give and take." Learn to give a lot, and take a little - accept each other as you are.
8. Love Is Not Irritable (Easily Provoked) - Love is not short-tempered; it does not easily get its feelings hurt or ruffled. Marriage is the closest relationship in the world, and it is important that both parties work together to keep from aggravating each other. If you know of something you habitually do that irritates your mate, resolve to overcome that habit. If a marriage is to be happy, touchiness, sullenness, and anger cannot exist for very long. Learn to talk to your mate and discuss your problems; keep the communication lines open.
9. Love Is Not Resentful - It is not healthy for a person to carry around the hurts and the injuries that have occurred in the past; doing so breaks down the ability to love. Love does not keep score of wrongs. Forgiveness and love go hand and hand. Forgiveness is a loving act that has, as one of its basic ingredients, forgetfulness. Forgiveness means not bringing up the past.
10. Love Does Not Rejoice At Wrong, But Rejoices in What Is Right - Love always looks for what is right and good and makes a positive effort toward what is good. Love looks for the best in one’s mate.
11. Love Bears All Things - Lovers forbear one another.
12. Love Believes All Things - Love always believes the best until proven wrong.
13. Love Hopes All Things - Love always expects something good from the one who is loved.
14. Love Endures All Things - True love can outlast anything. There is no person, no situation, nothing that can get the best of true love between two people who have committed their hearts and lives to God and to each other.